The Lease Footnote Calculator


The Lease Footnote Calculator is a 32-bit Windows program that performs straight-lining and future-minimum computations for the GAAP-basis reporting requirements of FASB 13. 

The program is narrowly focused on performing straight-line computations and journal entries. Unlike many financial programs, it does not try to be all things to all customers for all purposes. It's strengths include minimal data entry requirements; a full-featured, user-friendly interface; flexible and robust reporting options, and a powerful and accurate processing engine. The primary purpose for its creation was to eliminate the complex, cumbersome and error-prone spreadsheets typically used to handle these computations.

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So What?

If you are currently performing future minimum and straight-line calculations, more than likely you are using spreadsheets, with or without the assistance of macros.  Spreadsheet solutions to such date-intensive computations are cumbersome, prone to error and difficult to maintain from one fiscal period to the next.

The Lease Footnote Calculator eliminates these problems, because it is a robust Windows application with user-friendly data entry screens, comprehensive error-checking, full reporting capabilities and a powerful  processing engine that performs all necessary calculations without any additional user input.  

Additionally, context-sensitive help is available in all areas of the system.

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How accurate are the computations?

The Lease Footnote Calculator was created in 2005 - is not a brand new program.  The user interface has undergone vast improvements over the past six years, but the underlying computation logic and processing engine have remained unchanged.  During this time the program has been used extensively by several customers (including a public account firm for several large real estate clients) who now accept and rely upon the accuracy of the Lease Footnote Calculator's computations.

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Can I import existing lease data?

Yes. There is a File/Import menu option that allows you to import data from an Excel spreadsheet.   Detailed instructions for formatting the spreadsheet are provided in the Help facility within the program.

Please note one full year of support is included, which also includes a reasonable amount of assistance in converting existing data to the Lease Footnote Calculator format.

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Who uses it?

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Screen Shots (click one to scroll through all of them)

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Trial version

The Lease Footnote Calculator trial version is full-featured and does not expire.   However you are limited to a maximum of five leases and 10 lease terms per lease.

Download the LFC Trial Version

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Single User: $795

Unlimited User/Site Licence: $2,495

Version Differences

The single-user version can only run from a local hard disk (your C drive, for example); it will not run on a network drive (though you can access lease data that resides on a network), nor is lease data accessible by multiple concurrent users. Therefore this version is truly for a single user on a single PC.

The network version has no such restrictions, and is appropriate when you want multiple users to be able to access multiple sets of lease data and/or the same set of lease data simultaneously.  For either version, the program may only be installed and run on computers owned by your organization.

One full year of technical support is included with either version.

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Custom Modifications

As a developer who takes pride in his work, I like nothing more than a motivated customer who is clear about what they want and/or need and allows me the opportunity to enhance the program to meet their requirements.

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Questions, Comments, Suggestions, Purchasing

Please email Howard Hendler at hh-at-straightlinetech-dotcom or hdrewh-at-gmail-dotcom, or call 646-894-0956 for more information.

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